The A Chord Group
Congratulations! You’ve made it to our last chord group. We still have more chords to learn later in the course, but we’re going to take a break from that. Once you are done with this lesson we’ll begin working on changing and strumming the chord we’ve learned. The A Chord We’ve already seen the A chord…
The G Chord Group
In this lesson, we’ll learn 3 new chords: G, G7, and GM7. Some beginners find the G chord hard to form, so if you find it difficult, realize you’re not the only one. The G Chord We’ll strum all six strings for all 3 of our G chords. The G chord is formed like this:…
The D Chord Group
In this lesson, you’ll learn 5 new chords in the D chord group. Take your time with each of these chords. Soon, you’ll need to play these chords on demand. You’ll want to instantly be able to recall them by name- as with all the chords we have learned or will learn. That means a…
The C Chord Group
The C Chord Here’s how to form the open C chord: Place your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret of the A string Place your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the D string Leave the G string open Place your 1st finger on the 1st fret of the B string Leave the high…
The E Chord Group
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to play 3 more chords that are almost just like the E chord shape we’ve already worked with. These new chords have fancy sounding names, but don’t let them scare you. To play them requires you to take a finger away. In that sense, they are easier to play…
The Five Basic Chord Shapes
There are 5 basic chord shapes on the guitar. These basic chord patterns are the C, A, G, E, and D major chords. In the next few lessons, we’ll take a closer look at these shape. You should already know the A major chord from our previous lesson. These are ‘major chords’ which are a…
How To Read Chord Diagrams
Your first step in learning how to play chords is learning how to read chord diagrams. Chord diagrams are a neat way to show us a graphical representation of the guitar’s fretboard. Visualizing The Fretboard Below is a blank chord diagram. Think of it as a picture of your guitar sitting in front of you.…
Guitar Chords: An Introduction
In this lesson you’ll learn a little about chords and what you can expect in subsequent lessons. I’ll give you three rules to help you succeed at playing chords and a timetable for completing the course. What Are Chords? Chords are simply three or more notes sounding at the same time. Most of the chords that…
Getting Started
Guitar Chords: An Introduction In this lesson, you’ll learn a little about guitar chords and what you can expect in subsequent lessons. I’ll give you three rules to help you succeed at playing chords and a timetable for completing the course. How To Read A Chord Diagram Chord diagrams show us, in graphical form,…
Beyond Open Chords: Barre Chords Mini Course
Beyond Open Chords Open chords are great, but all chords can’t be played in the open position. You’ll notice that there are chords that seem to be missing such as F chords and B chords as well as chords with sharps or flats. Well, these chords don’t have their own shapes on the fretboard. To…