Author: kennyman-admin

  • “Whisky Lullaby” by Brad Paisley and Alisson Krauss

    Difficulty: Intermediate

  • Learning To Play A Cover Song

    So what happens when you’re on your own and simply can’t figure out a strumming pattern, or one isn’t available? This has been the question for some of our members. I have a lengthy tutorial about this, but I’ll touch base on this concept right here to refresh some of our member frustrations. Learning WHAT style to…

  • How To Strum And Sing

    Ah…the hard part right? Nope. This goes back to listening to the lyrics and how the singer arranged the lyrics to go along with the song. Many times, artists will write the lyrics first -then the chords (and vice-versa.)

  • Strumming: Getting A Sense Of The Genre

    Tthe absolute key to learning how to strum a song is feeling it as well as getting a sense of the type of song you are playing. That will set the framework for the entire song, including the lyrics. Let’s look at a few artists and three points that make up their sound:

  • Dynamic Guitar Strumming

    One aspect of guitar strumming patterns that should not be overlooked in an acoustic guitar lesson consists of the options available to create a more dynamic sounding rhythm part.  An interesting guitar part doesn’t necessarily need a lot of basic guitar chord changes, but just playing dynamically with a single chord can be quite interesting tonally.

  • Slash Sheet Strumming Exercises

    The slash sheet exercises below are quite simple. They are arranged as quarter notes on the staff that you see, but really you should just think of them as four beats played based on the chord provided. In the audio example, my metronome is set to 75 bpm. Exercise 1: Exercise 2: Exercise 3: Exercise 4:…

  • Guitar Strumming Basics

    First things first… Strumming, for a guitarist, generally is used specifically to refer to when a guitarist loosely plays a series of basic guitar chords with the same rhythmic set of up and down strokes. One common mistake among beginner guitarists is to use guitar strumming patterns in place of proper rhythmic control or to try to…

  • DAF: Chord Fragments And Families

    This chart gives you three chord/family fretboard positions that help you play chords and chord-based licks all over the fretboard in any key. You can move automatically from I-IV-V in three different places on the guitar (per key) using the same three or four note chord fragments you played when we discussed the DAF formation lesson.

  • Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door Tab by Bob Dylan

    Difficulty: Easy People love to hear this song. It’s very easy to play, too. Intro Here is what both parts sound like together : Guitar 1 Guitar 2 This part is played when the fifth measure comes in above. You count measures by the music bar in between that seperates each chord or progression. There…

  • Travis Picking

    This style is commonly played on steel string acoustic guitars. Pattern picking is the use of “preset right-hand pattern[s]” while fingerpicking, with the left hand fingering standard chords. This involves playing a steady bass pattern with the thumb and filling out some syncopated rhythms with the fingers of the right hand (assuming a right handed guitarist). It is a…