Fast Car by Tracy Chapman
Exercise Routine at 60 bpm (Alternate Picking)
Remember: you must put the practice time in to get faster! Fig. 1: Simple Alternate Picking Exercise Fig. 2: Alternate Picking Variation Fig. 3: One, Two, Four Fig. 4: Pentatonic Scale Fig. 5: Up The Strings Fig. 6: Down The Strings
Exercise Routine at 60 bpm (Two-Finger Drills)
We’ll build speed step by step. In this session, we have speed-building exercises at 60 beats per minute. Fig. 1: First & Second Finger Fig. 2: First & Third Finger Fig. 3: First & Fourth Finger Fig.4: Second & Third Finger Fig. 5: Second & Fourth Finger Fig. 6: Third & Fourth Finger
Hey You 2
Frets and Fretting Notes
Frets are any of the ridges of metal set across the fingerboard of a guitar which helps the fingers to stop the strings at the correct points. A fretboard is a fingerboard that is fitted with frets. The nut of the guitar is the ledge, as of ebony, at the upper end of the fingerboard,…
Lodi- Interlude
Goodbye Blues Sky Verse Part 3: Interlude
Dust In The Wind 9
Below is the tab for the full chorus, but we’ll be dealing primarily with measures 3 and 4 in this lesson:
C Major Scale @ 84 BPM
Fire And Rain- Part 3