Brain Damage
Chords and lyrics reference: Brain Damage
C Major Scale @ 63 BPM
Full And Half Step Bends
This is a full step bend and half step bend. Fret the 7th fret of the G string and strike the note. Immediately bend the note so that it’s pitch sounds a whole step higher (span of 2 frets). Strike the 2nd note and bend it so that it’s pitch sounds only a half step…
The Basic Unison Bend
Unison bends are played on two strings. In the example below, we strike both notes at the same time and bend the note on the note on the 7th fret until it comes in unison (has the same pitch) as the note on the 5th fret. This is called a unison bend. When performing them, be…
Fire And Rain- Part 2
Bend And Release
Bend and release. Play the note so it begins at the original pitch, bend it up one whole step, and then release the bend; returning to the original tone.
A Major Scale @ 60 BPM
Harvest Moon- Part 3
Session Twenty-Six
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Combine all three exercises!
“Twist And Shout” by The Beatles
Let’s take a look at the chords and lyrics in this strumming version of Twist And Shout. Twist And Shout Chords And Lyrics PDF