Chromatic Ladder
Classical Triplets
Chromatic Picking 1
Beginner: Perform this exercise at about 60 beats per minute or play them as quarter notes (one beat per note) at 80 bpm Intermediate: Perform the exercises as they are transcribed at 80 bpm Advanced: Perform the exercises at 80 bpm using all sixteenth notes Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4
Speed Building Workout 24
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Lodi- Intro
Quarter Note Strumming
In this lesson, you’ll discover what a quarter note is and how to strum it. The Exercise A quarter note is a note that represents the duration of one beat. In other words, it gets one beat. It looks like this: You remember that I told you that a song in standard (4/4) time gets…
Strumtastic Song Library
Download Download all songs in a zipped (compressed) folder: Easy-Guitar-Songbook-PDF Extras 9 Chords = 50 Songs Simple Strumming Patterns: Use these to play the songs in our anthology Singing And Strumming Tips: Discover how to sing and strum at the same time Are Strumming Patterns For The Birds?: Going beyond basic strumming patterns Strumming Straight…
Core Strumming
You don’t need to know much to get started with these 25 beginner guitar strumming lessons, but if you can’t play basic open chords, expect to spend a little more time on each lesson. After all, learning chords is a challenge at first. I’ll make sure that you are comfortable with them by the time we’re done.…
C Major Scale @ 92 BPM