E7 Open-Position
EMaj7 Open-Position Chord
Strumming Half Notes and Whole Notes
This exercise combines whole notes with half notes. We know by now that a whole note gets four beats and that a half note gets two. For this exercise, we will strum the C chord on the 1st beat and hold it for a count of four. The, in measure two we will strum the C…
Straight Eighth Note Strumming (Rock)
A single eighth note: Two eighth notes with the flags combined: Strumming eighth notes with a down, up, down, up strumming pattern: Straight eighth notes in notation:
Fire And Rain- James Taylor
Here’s a lesson from a series on James Taylor’s “Fire And Rain found in Fingerstyle Daily.
Learning To Fly- Tom Petty
Learning To Fly
Strumming Pattern Chords And Lyrics Click here for the Learning-To-Fly Chords And Lyrics PDF
Thanks for your Strummer Camp enrollment! We’ll get this course started on July 16th. You can expect a personal welcome email with additional instructions coming to you in the days leading up to the first day of camp. Can’t wait, and we’ll see you then! -Kenny & Nate
Hey You- Bridge