Tag: Bends

  • Half-Step Bend

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    Here’s one of the most common bends.

  • Full And Half Step Bends

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    This is a full step bend and half step bend. Fret the 7th fret of the G string and strike the note. Immediately bend the note so that it’s pitch sounds a whole step higher (span of 2 frets). Strike the 2nd note and bend it so that it’s pitch sounds only a half step…

  • Half-Step Guitar Bend

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    Here’s how to perform a half-step bend on the guitar and how it appears in guitar tablature.

  • String Bending Basics

    Guitar bends (also referred to as “string bending” or “bending”) are produced by moving the stopped (held down) string with the fretting hand in a direction perpendicular to its axis and parallel to the fingerboard.  String bends are one of few ways to achieve micro-tonality, especially blue notes, on the guitar. In other words, guitar…