Category: Blues Guitar

  • Fake It Til You Make It

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     Download The PDF: Fake It Til You Make It

  • Double-Stop Turnaround

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    A double stop is a fancy term used to describe the act of playing two notes simultaneously. Imagine it as playing a harmony along with a melody. We can change the feel of the basic turnaround by playing the descending phrase with double stops in a shuffle rhythm.  

  • How To Play 12 Bar Blues

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    The vast majority of contemporary blues music is based on what is termed a 12-bar format.  That is, the main body of a song follows a set pattern of chords over 12 bars of music that’s repeated over and over.  Some songs may have several different patterns to give them a bit of variety, but the guts of…

  • Blues Jam Cheat Sheet

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    Fig. 1: Primary Lead Pattern The “R”  is the pattern’s root. You can use the root to determine where to play the pattern in other key signatures. The pattern’s root note in the illustration is on the A note on the 5th fret of the low E string and therefore in the key of A.…

  • “Rollin’ With The Flow” Double Stop Lick

    This is a fun little lick that you can play around with. You can play it like it’s transcribed or you can change it up to make it your own. I’ll show you a few variations in the video.

  • How To Find The Key Of A Blues Song

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    Lesson Tab: Finding The Key PDF   Most of the time a song will begin and end with the chord that is the song’s key signature. Another way to look at it is that the chord used most in a song is the same as the song’s key signature. The best way to develop skills in identifying key signatures is by listening…

  • Blues Guitar Double Stops In The Key Of B

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    Download the tab in PDF to play along with the video. It’s located here: Double-Stops-In-B You’ll find a B note on the 2nd fret of the A string and 7th fret of the low E string- these are perfect reference notes that help you keep in line

  • Blues Guitar Double Stops In The Key Of A#

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    A# (A sharp) is the same thing as Bb (B flat). The PDF file with notation and tab for this lesson is located here: Double-Stops-In-A-1

  • Blues Guitar Double Stops In The Key Of A

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    In this lesson, we’ll look at 12 licks, phrases, and riffs that use double stops in the key of A. Download the PDF that includes all the notation and tab for this lesson here: Double-Stops-In-A

  • Anatomy Of The Blues Turnaround

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    Most turnarounds can also be used as intros or endings. This is because the turnaround in bars 11 and 12 takes us back (turns around) to the start of the next 12 bars of music or pulls us toward the I chord for a big finish. The intro does the same thing by kick-starting the song to begin at the first cycle…