Category: Guitar Techniques

  • Sliding Up To A Note

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    Slide up to the 9th fret.

  • Touch Harmonics

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    If you already know how to play natural harmonics at the 5th, 7th, and 12th frets, then you’re ready to learn a technique called “touch harmonics” that allows you to play artificial harmonics anywhere. In this video lesson, I’ll show you how to do it.  

  • Natural Harmonics

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    A Technical Breakdown A guitar string has a number of frequencies at which it will naturally vibrate. These natural frequencies are known as the harmonics of the guitar string. The natural frequency at which an object vibrates depends upon the tension of the string, the linear density of the string, and the length of the…

  • String Bending Basics

    Guitar bends (also referred to as “string bending” or “bending”) are produced by moving the stopped (held down) string with the fretting hand in a direction perpendicular to its axis and parallel to the fingerboard.  String bends are one of few ways to achieve micro-tonality, especially blue notes, on the guitar. In other words, guitar…

  • Pick Slide

    A pick slide or pick scrape is a guitar technique most often performed in the rock, punk or metal music genres. The technique is executed by holding the edge of the pick against any of the three or four wound strings and moving it along the string. As the pick moves across the string, the…