Technique Exercises #12
We’re at 76 beats per minute once again. We have a couple of exercises on the easy side and a few that are downright on the difficult side. Don’t get discouraged! Keep on plugging away…
Technique Exercises #11
In this session we’ll be moving up to 76 beats per minute. For many, things will start to get tough and you might feel yourself lagging behind. Keep in mind that building speed takes time, so try not to get frustrated and just keep working at it.
Technique Exercises #9
We’ll isolate two fingers at a time with these exercises. For example the first exercise you’ll only use your 1st and 2nd finger. In exercise 2 you’ll use your 1st and 3rd finger, and so on.
Strum Mastery
Still strumming the same ol’ thing? If so, then “Strum Mastery” will help you learn to play in different styles of music. You’ll experience 3 different skill levels and a variety of chord progressions based on key – so it’s perfect for adding practice routines to your guitar playing. Click here to access “Strum Mastery”
Technique Exercises #6
In this routine I’ve got a couple of single string exercises, a couple of finger confusion exercises, and we’ll finish up with a fun exercise that can double as a flashy lick for you next killer solo.
Technique Exercises #5
Here’s another healthy dose of technique building exercises. We’ll ramp up the speed a bit and clock in at 66 beats per minute.
Technique Exercises #4
I’m not going to lie. The exercises on this routine are pretty tough. Talk about an arm cramp… To top it off, you should perform them using alternate picking (down, up, down, up). This is particularly hard because we’ll constantly be switching strings, but it has to be done in order to build speed on down…