Hero by Chad Kroeger
Riff Rundown Difficulty: Easy Composer – Chad Kroeger Where to find this song – Spiderman soundtrack # 2 Release Date – April 30, 2002
Songwriting Tips
Being prepared when inspiration hits. Scenario # 1. You are strumming your acoustic guitar, freshly polished, new strings and perfectly tuned. The sound is bright and crisp. You are playing a few chords that you have learnt from Guitar Alliance when bam! A brilliant chord progression hits you like a bolt of lightning. You rush to find a pen…
Guitar Tab
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Common Open Chords
Open strings sound great on the guitar. That’s why open chords (chords that use 1 or more open strings) are so popular to play.
“For What It’s Worth” by Buffalo Springfield
Difficulty: Easy
Add That “Swing” With The Common Shuffle Rhythm
Triplets are used in many styles of music including blues, rock and country. The basic shuffle rhythm is created by leaving out (resting) the middle note of each three-note triplet group. This “triplet” idea allows performers to include triplets in the melody without clashing with any rhythm patterns. Many shuffle rhythm songs are in 12/8 time (sometimes…
Common Variations of 12 Bar Blues Chord Progressions
The 12-bar blues is one of the most popular chord progressions in popular music, including the blues. The blues progression has a distinctive form in chord structure and duration. It is, at its most basic, based on the I-IV-V chords of a key. The 12 bar blues progression is the foundation of the blues. The…
Dream On by Aerosmith
Difficulty: Intermediate