Chord Phrasing: The Relative Minor
Fig. 1: C Major & A Minor Scales Fig. 2: A Minor Chord Fig. 3: Extended C Major/A Minor Scale Fig. 4: For Comparison…
Scale Dictionary
Click Here to download the Scale Dictionary! It’s a PDF that includes tab and music notation for 26 different scales. Watch the video and play along!
Tube Snake Boogie by ZZ Top
This song reached #4 on Billboard’s Mainstream Rock chart way back in 1981. It features a lot of fun lead guitar from Billy Gibbons. Tube Snake Boogie Tab: Here’s the full transcription for the song: Tube Snake Boogie PDF
Bang Your Head by Quiet Riot
Complete Transcription To “(Bang Your Head) Metal Health” (PDF) Complete Transcription To “(Bang Your Head) Metal Health” (Power Tab)
Strummer’s Corner: A Day In The Life by The Beatles
A Day In The Life Chords And Lyrics A Day In The Life |G Bm| Em Em7|C |C | [Verse 1] G Bm Em Em7 I read the news today oh boy C C/B Asus2 About a lucky man who made the grade G Bm Em Em7 And though the news was rather sad C…
Blues Improvisation 3: Sliding Out Of The Beginner’s Box
The beginner’s box is great but very limiting. There’s an easy way to slide out of it and change position. Today we’re adding the two notes you need to do this. Tomorrow I’ll show you a new box that begins with these two new notes. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4
The Whole Note
The whole note lasts for the whole measure when in standard time. In other words, the whole note gets 4 beats in 4/4 time. Most other notes divide the whole note. For example, half notes are played for one half the duration of the whole not. This is what the whole note looks like: