Easy Rock Power Chord Riffs
These riffs make a big impact using only power chords. Who can forget the opening to “More Than A Feeling”? When you hear that guitar, you know exactly what song it is. Take a close listen to these songs the next time they come on the radio and you’ll hear that all of them, with…
“Eye In The Sky” by Alan Parsons Project (Chords And Lyrics)
Intro [Bm] [G] [Bm] [G] [D]Don’t think sorry’s easily [Bm]said [D]Don’t try turning tables in[Bm]stead You’ve [G]taken lots of chances be[Gm]fore But [Bm]I ain’t gonna give any [Em]more Don’t ask me [D]That’s how it goes Cause [G]part of me knows what you’re [D]thinking [D]Don’t say words you’re gonna re[Bm]gret [D]Don’t let the fire rush to…
“Centerfield” by John Fogerty
Centerfield Intro Here’s the instantly recognizable guitar intro to Fogerty’s ode to baseball. How To Play Centerfield The most important part of playing the opening riff from “Centerfield” is that you must make sure to let your open strings ring out. It takes a little practice. After all, you’re fretting notes all around those ringing…
This is a very common way to play the A/G# chord in the open position. Imagine it’s an A chord with the lowest note being G#. It sounds weird, but some songs require this moving bass line.
Rooster by Alice In Chains
Intro For this riff, you’ll use an E shape barre chord on the 2nd fret and then lift up the 1st finger over the B and high E strings. “Rooster” Tab Complete Transcription To “Rooster” (PDF) Complete Transcription To “Rooster” (Power Tab)
There’s a couple of ways you can play this in the open position. The first one just assumes that you fret the open A chord normally and then add the G note on the 3rd fret of the low E string. That way you can still play the high E open. Another way is as…
“The Thrill Is Gone” – Intro Solo 1
The “Thrill” Scale Here’s the scale we’ll use to make up the licks from the solo. First Lick B.B. King played very subtly, so keep that in mind… Complete Transcription To “The Thrill Is Gone” (PDF) Complete Transcription To “The Thrill Is Gone” (Power Tab)