Blues Vibrato
Fig. 1 Why learn Vibrato? You may already know how to perform a vibrato, but here’s how to do it in the context of the blues improvisation! Learning this gives you the tool in bringing out your own personality in your playing. Rock Vibrato Like B.B. King “The Butterfly Vibrato” B.B. King, well known for his…
Creating Blues Guitar Solos With Your Trick Bag
A lot of blues guitar leads are improvised. That means that they are making up their leads as they go along, right? That’s true to a certain extent, but every good guitar player has a “trick bag” of guitar licks that he/she can pull from at any time. In this beginner blues lead lesson you’ll add several common licks to…
Bluesy Double-Stops
Would you like to learn a cool trick that you can implement into your blues guitar playing that will liven up your performance? Here are some bluesy double-stops to spice up your guitar playing. You can use them in just about any setting. In the lesson video, you’ll learn how to play bluesy double stops…
Pentatonic Scales PDF Instructional Video
The pentatonic scale is a 5 note scale that is widely used in rock, blues, country, and other genres. It’s very easy to learn, but hard to master. The pentatonic scale is primarily used for soloing. Pentatonic Scales PDF Below is a download link for the pentatonic scale PDF. It tabs out the pentatonic scales…
Session 25
Exercise 1 Exercise 2