• Major Chords

    The five basic chord shapes are the open C, A, G, E, and D chords. Together they spell the word CAGED which helps us remember them.

  • Pentatonic Scale

    The word pentatonic gets it’s name from the Greek word “penta” which means 5 and tonic which stands for tone. That’s what pentatonic scales are: 5 tone scales. There are only 5 basic pentatonic patterns. They are the C, A, G, E, and D. They are similar to the 5 basic chord patterns, because they can be closely associated…

  • The Five Basic Chord Shapes

    The five basic chord shapes are open C, A, G, E, and D chords. Together they spell the word CAGED which helps us remember them. What To Do This is your very first step! If you do not know how to play these 5 basic chords then you should learn and memorize each chord pattern.…

  • Minor Pentatonic Scale

    These 5 basic minor pentatonic scale shapes are the same exact patterns for the major scale patterns, except they are associated with different chords.  The pictures on the left are the patterns with their suggested fingerings. The pictures on the right are the patterns with their CAGED chord counterpart they are associated with highlighted. Memorize each…

  • How To Read A Scale Diagram

    Scale diagrams are like a snapshot of your guitar’s fretboard.  This lesson will help you to learn to read scale diagrams for guitar. Scale diagrams are a great way to learn new scales.

  • “The Five Basic Chord Shapes” Video

    Most of the chords that you will learn in the future can be derived from 5 basic chord shapes: C, A, G, E, and D. Together they spell the word CAGED which should help you remember them. There are major chords and minor chords.

  • What Is Caged?

    CAGED gives you a way to think about the fret board that merges scales with chords and arpeggios. Basically there are five stationary position scales that correspond with the five chord shapes. CAGED is not an invention. Nor is it something made up to sound fancy and fool you.  CAGED is a system that is…

  • CAGED Chords Chart

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