Tag: pentatonic scale

  • The Super Long Pentatonic Exercise

    Use the Pentatonic-Scales PDF for this lesson.  

  • Pentatonic Scale

    The word pentatonic gets it’s name from the Greek word “penta” which means 5 and tonic which stands for tone. That’s what pentatonic scales are: 5 tone scales. There are only 5 basic pentatonic patterns. They are the C, A, G, E, and D. They are similar to the 5 basic chord patterns, because they can be closely associated…

  • Minor Pentatonic Scale

    These 5 basic minor pentatonic scale shapes are the same exact patterns for the major scale patterns, except they are associated with different chords.  The pictures on the left are the patterns with their suggested fingerings. The pictures on the right are the patterns with their CAGED chord counterpart they are associated with highlighted. Memorize each…

  • The Right Wrong Notes

    Beyond The Box When playing music we can use scales as a guide which will tell us what notes will work best for a particular song. The pentatonic scale is a good example. The five notes in the pentatonic are all you need sometimes, but at some point may players want to be able to…