Do you love playing guitar? Do you love learning about guitar? If so, you’re in the right place. Here at Guitar Alliance you’ll find a community of guitarists who are learning, playing, loving, and living guitar- just like you. You’ll discover a variety of guitar lessons, tabs, and support for the learning guitarist.
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We’ll begin sending your issues of our acclaimed newsletter that feature training programs in the best and most effective popular techniques, styles, fundamentals and progressive topics for the guitar. Whether you’re interested in blues, rock or pop, you will find the most useful information on the Web right here.
“Got involved with G.A. because my son was interested in playing guitar. Its been about a year and he plays a lot of songs better than I do. Its been a great way for Father and Son to bond”
-Rod and Josh Largent
“What I find at the Guitar Alliance web site is understanding and knowledge about guitar related issues from others who know about details that are relevant/pertinent toward my interest in becoming more proficient at playing an instrument that I have been a student of for most of my life. As a busy professional, like everyone, I don’t have a lot of time to lollygag around. I got to move, get the stuff, and jump on it! GA makes this possible with it’s “break it down to bite size chewable bits” methodology approach to learning new or better guitar techniques and skills. The other factor about GA that I Am very pleased to comment about is that Kenny is such a nice guy who is always ready to listen to your concerns and is willing to “walk a mile in your moccasins” before donning the ‘expert’ hat. The GA site and the content, therefore, is very guitar player/user friendly.” -Tony