Basic Rhythmic Notation
In this lesson, we’ll learn about quarter notes, half notes, whole notes, and eighth notes. We’ll learn how to read them in notation and practice playing basic exercises using these types of notes. Before you tackle this session you may want to take a look at these two lessons: note values and measures as I talk about…
The Weight by The Band
Intro- Guitar Part 1 Part 2 Verse- Guitar Chorus- Guitar Post Chorus Instrumental Refrain- Guitar
Free Fallin by Tom Petty (Guitar Tab)
Free Fallin Guitar Tab Here’s the full transcription: Tom Petty Free Fallin PDF
Ascending Turnaround
An ascending turnaround has a shifting melody that travels to higher notes. The ascending turnaround in our example below is great for a slow blues where you can really emphasize the slides. Let the notes of the closing E+ arpeggio ring out until the end of the bar. Examine the notes used for the shifting melody and how the…
“Easy Does It” Jam Session
For this session, I’ve created an easy composition that we’ll call “Easy Does It”. It will allow you to practice three to four different parts and play each part in a virtual jam session. There should be a little something for everyone to sink their teeth into. It’s easy enough that you can focus on…
Gimme All Your Lovin’ by ZZ Top
The Main Riff Here’s how to play the main riff to Gimme All Your Lovin by ZZ Top. Chorus There are three guitar parts during the chorus. Here’s how to play them all!